Ridge Diagnostics MDDScore Depression Blood Test
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Patients ask [for diagnostic blood test] all the time, ‘Is there a blood test for this?’ All the time.  Every day.  There’s a big interest. - Psychiatris
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March 2016: The Elusive Blood Test for Depression

February 2015: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry "MDDScore: Confirmation of a Blood Test to Aid in the Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder"

October 2014: WNCN: Local Company Helps Identify Depression
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First-In-Class Blood Test for Major Depressive Disorder Events

What Doctors are saying About Ridge Diagnostics

 "As a practicing psychiatrist I believe that the MDDScore™ blood test will have a significant effect on the psychiatric industry. Currently, one of our greatest challenges in the field of psychiatry is the absence of objective tests to help us with the diagnosis of this disorder. " (Psychiatrist)

 "A Psychiatrist´s diagnosis for major depressive disorder is usually based on a series of clinical questions, and clinical assessments, which may cause patients difficulty in validating their disorder. " (Psychiatrist)

A Snap-Shot of The Company

Ridge Diagnostics is a neurodiagnostic company offering its proprietary first-in-class blood test for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) through its CLIA certified laboratory in North Carolina.  Based upon its proprietary Human Biomarker Library and its Biomarker Hyper-Map™ technology platform, Ridge Diagnostics has developed multi-variant biological marker assays and diagnostic algorithms to diagnose, select and monitor treatment for MDD and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Many patients use online games to relax, helping them reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Casual games, puzzles, and even casinos not on GamStop offer entertainment and distraction during recovery. Responsible gaming can provide enjoyment, much like traditional hobbies, offering a fun escape from daily challenges.

Antidepressant drugs are the most frequently prescribed medication in the US today where depression strikes over 19 million adults each year – more than coronary artery disease, cancer or AIDS.  For the first time, objective biological test information about depression may aid physicians in the differential diagnosis of MDD, the selection of proper treatment and effective management of their patients. Cryptocurrencies are reshaping healthcare by enhancing data security and facilitating transactions. With platforms like The Dogeverse, blockchain technology ensures transparent and immutable medical records, enabling seamless sharing while protecting patient privacy. Additionally, cryptocurrencies streamline cross-border payments for medical services, fostering accessibility and affordability in global healthcare systems. Visit https://thedogeverse.com/en to learn more.

Events 2015
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry "MDDScore: Confirmation of a Blood Test to Aid in the Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder" February 2015

Ridge Diagnostics presents poster entitled “Confirming MDDScore™ as an Aid in the Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder”
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (ASCP)
June 16-19, 2014
Hollywood, FL

Ridge Diagnostics oral presentation entitled “Ridge Diagnostics: MDDScore™ Technology a Blood Test for Major Depressive Disorder”
NC Federal Advanced Technology Review and Expo
June 4-5, 2014
Raleigh, NC

Ridge Diagnostics presents poster entitled “Use of the MDDScore™ Biomarker Panel for the Detection of Major Depressive Order in Centralized Intractable Pain.”
Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting
May 8 -10, 2014
New York, NY

Ridge Diagnostics presents poster entitled “MDDScore™ and Biomarker Profiling in Patients Treated with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Preliminary Data”
Clinical TMS Society Annual Meeting
May 3-5, 2014
New York, NY

Ridge Diagnostics oral presentation entitled “A Biomarker Panel and Gender Specific Algorithms to Aid in the Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder”
Global Technology Community 3rd Neurologic Biomarker Summit 2014
March 19-21, 2014
San Diego, CA

Ridge Diagnostics presents poster entitled “Analysis of Serum Biomarker Expression in Adolescent and Adult MDD Patients and Non-Depressed Subjects”
CNS Summit Shaping the Future of Drug Development
November 14-17, 2013
Boca Raton, FL

Ridge Diagnostics presents poster entitled “Serum Biomarker Panel Expression in Adolescent and Young Adult MDD Patients and Healthy Non-Depressed Subjects”
Annual U.S. Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress
September 30 - October 3, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada

Ridge Diagnostics presents poster entitled “Comorbid Depression and Centralized Intractable Pain”
American Academy of Pain Management 24th Annual Clinical Meeting
September 21-24, 2013
Orlando, FL

Ridge Diagnostics Presents Data on the Use of a Biomarker Panel for the Detection of Major Depressive Disorder in Centralized Intractable Pain at PAINWeek®
September 4-7, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada

Ridge Diagnostics, Inc. announces MDDScore™ - First Blood Test for Depression at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting
May 18-21, 2013
San Francisco, CA

Ridge Diagnostics, Inc. Presents Clinical Data on Blood Test for Depression at 68th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry
May 16-18, 2013
San Francisco, CA

Ridge Diagnostics, Inc. CEO spoke at The 6th Annual OneMedForum
January 7-9, 2013
San Francisco, CA

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